What to do with your antique fireplace during summer
Our antique fireplaces are wide ranging in their historical period, manner of decoration and in their embellishments. We believe that fireplaces help to centre focus when entering a home and tie in numerous elements around it.
However, during summer, fireplaces lose the function that they had in winter. Many people tend to abandon the care of this central component until the season has finished. Here at Westland we want to highlight the actions you can take to give your fireplace that much needed care it deserves. Be it an inspection or a creative decoration - here’s what to do with your chimney during the summer.
Inspection for wear and tear
As fireplaces are inactive across the summer months, the season is a key time to inspect it for wear and tear - as well as any possible creosote build up. We would recommend asking a master chimney sweep to do this, as there are elements to a chimney which an untrained eye will certainly miss.
If your fireplace requires any maintenance then a HETAS registered professional should undertake the work.
Decoration around the fireplace
Summer is a great time to rejuvenate the look and feel of a room, especially if it's beginning to look tired after a long winter. Beginning with an unexpected area such as the fireplace can open up opportunities to be inventive and fresh with your choices.

The mantle
Often we don’t tend to think about how the mantle can accentuate an antique fireplace, especially as it is designated as a place to sit family photographs, birthday cards and more. However, why not spruce it up with some botanicals which match the colour of your fireplace? A contrast of daffodils or yellow tulips can bring out the white in a modern fireplace feature. Botanicals are also a great summer addition which will help to warm up an empty centrepiece.
Contrasting furniture
It can also be good to think about what furniture you may already have in the room. A bench or chair could be easily moved in front of the hearth to allow for additional seating space. This is also a neat trick to accommodate those numerous guests invited round during summer. Temporary shelving may also alleviate some needed space.
Decorating an antique fireplace
We’ve highlighted some decorations that can be used around the fireplace during the summer, so now we’ll take a look at what can be done within it.
A decorative screen can help to cover up your fire and give it a unique look. It could be colour matched with the fireplace exterior, and also partnered by a certain pattern or texture. Using a diamond locked grid can look elegant - otherwise a floral decoration will help to bring in a summer feeling.
Birch twigs or logs
Likewise, a bundle of wood in the fireplace can definitely allow the outside, inside. These will fit in well to a fireplace interior in a traditional setting. Some short cut logs will make the fireplace look less empty and add a rustic look to its decoration. For a more modern touch, tie together birch twigs to create a contrast of white and brown which looks good above a lightly coloured mantle.
Books, candles and flower pots
Finally, think of adding some books in your fireplace. Stack or order them neatly within the hearth. Candles can be either used as decoration or to give off a minimal amount of heat during the summer months. Other summertime fixtures that could be placed within the fireplace could be statuettes or even flower pots.

During the summer your chimney and fireplace can really come into their own. Recognising the benefits of a thorough inspection during this season will save time spent during winter maintenance. Decoration can also liven up the appearance of an antique fireplace; dedicating thought and time into what can be placed upon the mantle or on the hearth floor can have brilliant results. Remember, summer needn’t be a time to neglect this beautiful centrepiece of any room. If you’re thinking of adding a new antique fireplace or mantle to your home, such as a Victorian fireplace, then have a look at Westland’s comprehensive antique collection.