Chimneypieces | Rococo | Stock No: 16051

Rare 19th Century English Rococo Chimneypiece


Stock No.16051

A rare eighteenth-century English Rococo chimneypiece. Finely carved from pure white statuary marble, this fireplace epitomises Georgian England's interpretation of the Rococo style, which had originated in France.

The serpentine shelf rests above an ornately carved frieze, where the decorative elements appear to take the form of seaweed, with ribbon kelp and a central scallop shell cartouche.
English, c.1780

View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.


Listed Price: £POA

Width Height Depth
External 57 18"
145 cms
43 38"
110.2 cms
13 38"
34 cms
Internal 36 38"
92.5 cms
91.4 cms

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